Marvel Rivals Character: MANTIS's picture




MANTIS's class icon


Base Stats

health: 275

move speed: 6

life orb cooldown: 4 charges, with each charge taking 3s to recharge


Mantis is a Strategist in Marvel Rivals who’s all about keeping her team alive and boosting their damage. With her Life Energy Blast (left-click) and Healing Flower (right-click), she’s a top-tier healer who can also dish out some damage when needed. She’s got a unique playstyle that revolves around managing her Life Orbs to heal, buff, and even put enemies to sleep. If you like playing a hero who’s all about supporting the team and turning the tide of battle, Mantis is your go-to.


marvel rivals characters - ADAM WARLOCK
marvel rivals characters - MANTIS
marvel rivals characters - STAR-LORD

Abilities Overview

mouse click ability icon

NORMAL ATTACK: life energy blast

fire an energy thorn and regain one life orb after a critical hit.

ammo: 20

damage: 50 damage per round

casting: single-cast projectile with delayed impact

fire rate: 2.5 rounds per second

critical hit: yes

damage falloff: no falloff

special effect: critical hit generates 1 life orb

projectile speed: 150m/s

keyboard ability icon

ABILITY: soul resurgence

release energy around her while moving, providing healing over time and movement boosts for surrounding allies. excess healing converts to bonus health<debuff></debuff>

range: 15m spherical radius

casting: persistent spell field that surrounds the caster

duration: 8s

energy cost: 3700

healing amount: 150

movement boost: 3m/s

excess healing/max health conversion: 100

caster & ally one-time healing amount: 200

excess healing/bonus health conversion: 70%

keyboard ability icon

ABILITY: spore slumber

throw a spore to sedate the nearest enemy

range: 3m spherical radius

damage: 10

casting: single-cast projectile with delayed impact that also generates a spell field

cooldown: 15s

special effect: a mantis illusions will manifest beside the sedated heroes. allies can attack this illusion to awaken the affected hero

illusion health: 100

sedation duration: 3.5s

keyboard ability icon

ABILITY: allied inspiration

consume life orbs to grant allies a damage boost

casting: targeted

cooldown: consume 1 life orb

duration: 8s (the duration cannot stack; repeatedly casting will only refresh the duration)

damage boost: 12%

keyboard ability icon

ABILITY: natural anger

consume life orbs to grant herself a damage boost

casting: instant cast

cooldown: consume 1 life orb

duration: 8s (the duration cannot stack; repeatedly casting will only refresh the duration)

damage boost: 12%

mouse click ability icon

ABILITY: healing flower

consume life orbs to grant allies healing over time

casting: targeted

cooldown: consume 1 life orb

duration: 8s (the duration cannot stack; repeatedly casting will only refresh the duration)

special effect: healing flower provides two types of healing effects: one-time healing and healing over time

one-time healing amount: 55

healing over time amount: 20/s


ABILITY: nature's favor

receive a movement boost when not injured and healing over time when consuming life orbs

duration: 8s

healing amount: 12.5 per second

special effect: consume life orbs to receive healing over time

out-of-combat movement speed: 7.5m/s

time required to leave combat: 3s


TEAM UP ABILITY: nature's soul

adam warlock enhances the rebirth power of star-lord and mantis, granting them the power of cocooned revival

cooldown: 120s

Tips and Tricks


Self-Boost: Her F (Natural Anger) gives her a 12% damage boost, letting her chip in with some damage when needed.

Damage Buffs: Her E (Allied Inspiration) boosts an ally’s damage by 12%, perfect for helping your Duelists shred through enemies.

Crowd Control: Her L-Shift (Spore Slumber) puts enemies to sleep for 3.5 seconds, giving your team time to focus them down or escape.

Healing Powerhouse: Her right-click (Healing Flower) heals allies instantly and over time, making her a must-have for keeping the team alive during fights.

Ultimate Game-Changer: Her Q (Soul Resurgence) heals everyone around her, gives them a speed boost, and even converts extra healing into bonus health. It’s clutch for turning fights around.


Squishy: With only 250 health, she can get taken out fast if caught out of position.

Low Mobility: Mantis has no movement abilities, so she’s an easy target for flankers like Spider-Man or Star-Lord.

Skill-Dependent: Her L-Shift (Spore Slumber) requires good aim and timing to be effective, and missing it can leave her vulnerable.

No Burst Healing: Her healing is gradual, so she struggles to save allies from sudden bursts of damage.

Life Orb Management: Her abilities rely on Life Orbs, which have a cooldown. If you run out, you’re stuck waiting to heal or buff.