health: 700
move speed: 6
max health: +150
Groot is a tanky, plant-based hero who’s all about protecting his team and controlling the battlefield. With his massive health pool and abilities to grow walls, heal himself, and trap enemies, Groot is a solid pick for players who like to play defensively while setting up their team for success. Whether he’s blocking enemy attacks with his E or trapping foes with his Q, Groot is a reliable anchor for any team
launch vines to attack enemies
damage: 70
casting: single-cast projectile with delayed impact
critical hit: no
attack interval: 0.7s
maximum distance: 20m
projectile speed: 120m/s
fire a massive vine cluster that pulls nearby enemies to its center and imprisons them<debuff></debuff>
range: 8m spherical radius
damage: the projectile deals 10 damage, while the spell field deals 70 damage. while imprisoning enemies, it deals 20 damage every 0.5s
casting: single-cast projectile with a downward delay that creates a spell field upon impact
energy cost: 2800
special effect: imprison enemies for 3.5s
projectile speed: 60m/s
target a location and grow a thornlash wall. when awakened, it strikes nearby enemies attacked by groot and his allies
casting: targeted
cooldown: 2 charges, with each charge taking 6s to recharge
special effect: thornlash wall deals 60 damage every 0.5s
maximum distance: 15m
thornlash wall health: 250
target a location and grow an ironwood wall. when the wall is awakened, damage dealt by groot and nearby allies grants groot bonus health
casting: targeted
cooldown: 8s
special effect: ironwood wall heals 40 bonus health per second, up to 250 bonus health
maximum distance: 10m
thornlash wall health: 700
throw an explosive spore bomb that splits into multiple small explosive spores
range: spore bomb generates a spell field with a 5m spherical radius, while small explosive spores create a spell field with a 1.5m spherical radius
damage: the projectile itself deals no damage, while spore bomb deals 55 damage and explosive spores deal 10 damage
casting: single-cast projectile with a downward delay that creates a spell field upon impact
cooldown: 6s
special effect: spore bomb explodes into 6 explosive spores
projectile speed: 60m/s
wooden walls near groot will awaken, activating an extra effect. right-click while building a wooden wall to continue building additional walls
range: a cylindrical spell field with a 20m radius and a height of 40m
casting: persistent spell field that surrounds the caster
perform a combo with his arms, and the third strike will slightly launch up the hit enemy airborne
range: the first two strikes can reach 3m, while the third strike can reach 4m
jeff the land shark and rocket raccoon can ride on groot's shoulders, receiving damage reduction
team-up bonus: +150 max health
AoE Damage: His right-click (Spore Bomb) explodes into smaller spores, dealing damage to groups of enemies and controlling space.
Map Control: Groot’s L-Shift (Thornlash Wall) and E (Ironwood Wall) let him block off choke points, split enemy teams, and create safe zones for allies.
Team Support: His E (Ironwood Wall) gives bonus health to Groot and his allies when they deal damage, making him a great team player.
Crowd Control: His Q (Strangling Prison) pulls enemies together and traps them, setting up easy kills for your team.
Tanky and Durable: Groot has a huge health pool (700 HP) and can heal himself with his E (Ironwood Wall), making him super hard to take down.
Slow and Clunky: Groot’s movement speed is slow, and he struggles against fast or flying heroes like Iron Man and Spider-Man.
Cooldown Management: His walls and Q have long cooldowns, so you need to use them wisely or risk being useless in fights.
Reliant on Positioning: If you place his walls (L-Shift and E) in the wrong spot, they can block your team instead of helping them.
Vulnerable to Focus Fire: Despite his tankiness, Groot can get overwhelmed if the enemy team focuses him down, especially without his walls up.
Weak Against Ranged Heroes: Groot’s left-click (Vine Strike) has limited range, so he can’t do much against heroes who attack from a distance.