Marvel Rivals Character: LOKI's picture




LOKI's class icon


Base Stats

health: 250

move speed: 6

illusion damage: 100%

illusion health: 250

illusion healing: 100%

illusion duration: 60

maximum illusion quantity: 2


Loki is the ultimate trickster in Marvel Rivals, blending healing, damage, and pure chaos into one sneaky package. As a Strategist, he’s all about confusing enemies, supporting his team, and pulling off big plays with his illusions and shapeshifting. Whether he’s healing allies with his left-click or turning into an enemy with his Q, Loki is a hero who rewards smart, creative players.


marvel rivals characters - HELA
marvel rivals characters - LOKI
marvel rivals characters - THOR

Abilities Overview

mouse click ability icon


Fire Mystical Missiles to heal allies or deal damage to enemies

ammo: 10

range: 3m spherical radius

damage: the projectile deals no damage, while the spell field inflicts 30 damage per cast

casting: single-cast projectile with delayed impact that also generates a spell field

fire rate: 1.75 rounds per second

critical hit: no

damage falloff: falloff begins at 0.5m, decreasing to 50% at 2.5m

healing amount: the projectile does not provide healing, but the spell field provides 40 health per cast

projectile speed: 100 m/s

keyboard ability icon


Shapeshift into a targeted ally or enemy hero and use all their abilities except any of their Team-Up Abilities

casting: targeted

duration: 15s

energy cost: 3700

special effect: after transforming, loki's ultimate ability will be fully charged. casting a transformation-type ultimate ability will extend the duration of devious exchange until the transformation ability ends

keyboard ability icon


Use Rune Stones to create a magical field that provides allies Healing and converts incoming damage into further healing

range: a cylindrical spell field with a radius of 5m and a height of 2m

casting: release a spell field at the location of loki and the illusion

cooldown: 25s

duration: 5s

healing amount: 100/s

special effect: the spell field is sustained by rune stones. it will disappear if the rune stone is destroyed or if its maximum duration is reached. allies within the field will receive healing over time, and any damage taken will be converted into healing based on the amount of damage taken

conversion rate: 30%

rune stone health: 100

keyboard ability icon


Project an Illusion that can cast some of Loki's abilities

casting: targeted

cooldown: 2 charges, with each charge taking 12s to recharge

special effect: project an illusion at a selected location

maximum distance: 30m

keyboard ability icon


Swap with the selected Illusion

casting: targeted

cooldown: 15s

maximum distance: 30m

keyboard ability icon


Pull out a dagger to stab enemies, dealing extra damage when attacking an enemy from behind

range: 3m

damage: damage: 30; backstab damage: +15 (total of 45)

casting: single-cast spell field

mouse click ability icon


Become Invisible and conjure an Illusion to deceive enemies

casting: instant cast

cooldown: 15s

healing amount: health regenerates at a rate of 20 health per second while invisible

special effect: loki leaves an illusion in his place and becomes invisible while continuously healing himself. this invisibility has no time limit, but any actions other than casting devious exchange, reloading, or casting doppelganger will render him visible



When Hela lands a final hit in defeating an enemy, she can instantly resurrect Loki and Thor in the respawn phase, or grant them bonus health if they are still alive

bonus health: 50

respawn delay: 1.5s

special effect: when hela defeats an enemy, if loki is still alive, he will receive bonus health. if loki is defeated, he will respawn on the spot after a short delay

Tips and Tricks


Team Synergy: With Hela, his passive (Laufeyson Reborn) lets him respawn instantly or gain bonus health when she defeats an enemy, making him super hard to take down.

Ultimate Chaos: His Q (God of Mischief) lets him transform into any hero on the field, using their abilities and Ultimate to turn the tide of battle.

Master of Deception: Loki’s E (Doppelganger) lets him create illusions that mimic his attacks and healing, making it hard for enemies to tell who’s real and who’s fake.

Healing and Damage Combo: His left-click (Mystical Missile) heals allies and damages enemies at the same time, especially when his illusions are active and targeting the same spot.

Invisibility for Survival: His RMB (Deception) makes him invisible and leaves behind an illusion, giving him time to heal or reposition without being seen.


Squishy: With only 250 health, Loki can get taken out fast if enemies catch him off guard.

Skill-Dependent: His illusions and shapeshifting require good timing and positioning, so he’s not the easiest hero to pick up and play.

Cooldown Reliant: His E and L-Shift (Regeneration Domain) have long cooldowns, so if you waste them, you’re stuck without an escape or healing.

Vulnerable to AoE: Heroes like Iron Man or Hulk can easily destroy his illusions and Rune Stones, leaving him without his main tools.

Weak Against Dive Heroes: Fast, melee heroes like Black Panther or Venom can close the gap and take him out before he can react.