Marvel Rivals Character: LUNA SNOW's picture




LUNA SNOW's class icon


Base Stats

health: 275

move speed: 6

Season Bonus

healing bonus: +15%


Luna Snow is a Strategist in Marvel Rivals who’s all about healing her team while dishing out some icy damage. With her Light & Dark Ice (left-click) and Absolute Zero (right-click), she’s a versatile hero who can keep her allies alive and freeze enemies in their tracks. If you like playing a hero who’s both a healer and a damage dealer, Luna Snow is your go-to.


marvel rivals characters - JEFF THE LAND SHARK
marvel rivals characters - LUNA SNOW
marvel rivals characters - NAMOR


marvel rivals characters - IRON FIST
marvel rivals characters - LUNA SNOW

Abilities Overview

mouse click ability icon

NORMAL ATTACK: light & dark ice

fire ice shots that damage enemies or heal allies

ammo: 30

damage: 20 damage per round, for a total of 60 damage

casting: a triple shot that hits instantly

fire rate: 0.5s for three shots. the interval between the first two shots is 0.05s

critical hit: yes

damage falloff: falloff begins at 20m, decreasing to 60% at 40m

healing amount: 20 health per round, for a total of 60 health

keyboard ability icon

ABILITY: fate of both worlds

take center stage and start dancing! press to toggle between two performances: heal allies or grant them damage boost

casting: persistent spell field that surrounds the caster

duration: 12s

energy cost: 4000

damage boost: 40%

shield value: 250

healing amount: 250/s

cast to heal the ally once: 200

keyboard ability icon

ABILITY: ice arts

fire ice shards for a short duration, damaging enemies or healing allies while restoring her own health

range: a cylindrical spell field with a radius of 1m and a height of 40m

damage: 50 damage per round

casting: single-cast spell field that pierces through enemies

cooldown: 15s

duration: 6s

fire rate: 1.43 rounds per second

healing amount: 75 health per round

special effect: replace the previous light & dark ice cast

keyboard ability icon

ABILITY: share the stage

attach idol aura to an ally. allies with idol aura also restore health when luna snow is healing others

casting: targeted

healing boost: 35%

special effect: provide healing to allies marked with idol aura

mouse click ability icon

ABILITY: absolute zero

cast a clump of ice to freeze the hit enemy and restore health

damage: 50

casting: single-cast projectile with delayed impact

special effect: freeze enemies for 2.7s. however, if they are attacked during the last 2.2s of the freeze, the effect will be canceled

projectile speed: 60m/s


ABILITY: cryo heart

automatically restore health when casting ice arts or absolute zero

healing amount: 30/s for 3 seconds


ABILITY: smooth skate

keep moving forward to start ice skating and enable higher jumps

skating speed: 9.6m/s

time required to start skating: 0.5s


TEAM UP ABILITY: icy disco

luna snow infuses ice energy into namor and jeff the land shark, who then can tap into the ice energy to power up abilities at will

team-up bonus: 15% healing boost

keyboard ability icon

TEAM UP ABILITY: frozen chi

iron fist channels the chi of shou-lao into luna snow, transforming her ice power into a chi-infused frosty ring that radiates from her. this ring can knock back enemies with chilling damage and applies a slowing effect, while simultaneously healing her allies

range: 10m radius

damage: 25

casting: single-cast spell field that surrounds the caster

slow rate: 20% for 2s

healing amount: 50

special effect: knock back enemies and apply a slow

team-up target: lin lie

Tips and Tricks


Mobility: Her passive (Smooth Skate) lets her skate faster and jump higher, making it easier to reposition or escape sticky situations.

Team Synergy: Her E (Share the Stage) gives an ally extra healing whenever she heals others, making her a great partner for tanks or flankers.

Crowd Control: Her right-click (Absolute Zero) freezes enemies for 2.7 seconds, giving her team a chance to take them out. It’s perfect for stopping enemy Ultimates or diving heroes.

Ultimate Power: Her Q (Fate of Both Worlds) lets her toggle between healing allies or boosting their damage. It’s a game-changer in team fights, especially when contesting objectives.

Healing Machine: Her left-click (Light & Dark Ice) lets her heal allies or damage enemies, making her super flexible in fights. She can keep her team alive while still contributing to the damage.


Skill-Dependent: Her healing and damage rely on landing her shots, so if your aim is off, her effectiveness drops.

Ultimate Timing: Her Q (Fate of Both Worlds) is powerful, but if you use it at the wrong time, it can feel wasted.

Cooldown Reliant: Her right-click (Absolute Zero) and E (Share the Stage) have cooldowns, so you need to use them wisely.

No Mobility Skills: Her passive (Smooth Skate) is nice, but it’s not a real escape tool. If enemies dive her, she’s in trouble.

Weak to Dive Heroes: Heroes like Spider-Man or Black Panther can easily take her out if they get close, especially since she’s squishy.