Marvel Rivals Character: THE PUNISHER's picture




THE PUNISHER's class icon


Base Stats

health: 275

move speed: 6


Frank Castle, aka The Punisher, is a Duelist in Marvel Rivals who’s all about dealing massive damage and controlling the battlefield with his arsenal of weapons. Whether he’s sniping enemies from afar with his left-click (Adjudication) or shredding them up close with his right-click (Deliverance), The Punisher is a force to be reckoned with. He’s got tools for every situation, making him a versatile pick for players who like to dish out punishment.


marvel rivals characters - ROCKET RACCOON
marvel rivals characters - THE PUNISHER
marvel rivals characters - WINTER SOLDIER

Abilities Overview

mouse click ability icon

NORMAL ATTACK: adjudication

Icon of the Ability adjudication

fire at enemies with adjudication, his automatic rifle

ammo: 30

damage: 18 damage per round

casting: rapid-fire projectile

fire rate: 10 rounds per second

critical hit: yes

damage falloff: falloff begins at 20m, decreasing to 70% at 40m

crosshair spread radius (at 10m): up to a 0.09m radius.

mouse click ability icon

NORMAL ATTACK: deliverance

Icon of the Ability deliverance

fire at enemies with deliverance, his shotgun

ammo: 8

damage: 10 damage per round

casting: shotgun projectiles that hit instantly

fire rate: 1.43 rounds per second

critical hit: yes

damage falloff: falloff begins at 8m, decreasing to 40% at 15m

bullets fired each cast: 14

crosshair spread radius (at 10m): 0.6m

keyboard ability icon

ABILITY: final judgement

Icon of the Ability final judgement

unleash two gatling guns and missiles to attack enemies

casting: rapid-fire projectiles that hit instantly and have a tracking trajectory

duration: 10s

energy cost: 3400

ammo (gatling gun): infinite

damage (gatling gun): 8 damage per round

slow rate while idling: -20%

fire rate (gatling gun): 33.33 rounds per second

interval between volleys: 3s

maximum locking distance: 40m

slow rate while shooting: -40%

interval between missiles: 0.3s

critical hit (gatling gun): yes

damage falloff (gatling gun): falloff begins at 20m, decreasing to 70% at 40m

damage (shoulder-mounted missiles): 50

maximum number of missiles per volley: 8

projectile speed (shoulder-mounted missiles): 60 m/s

crosshair spread radius (at 10m) (gatling gun): start with a spread radius of 0.6m, which reduces to 0.3m after 50 shots, and further decreases to 0.15m after 100 shots

maximum number of locked-on missiles per target: 3

keyboard ability icon

ABILITY: vantage connection

Icon of the Ability vantage connection

launch a hook to generate a cable that enables the punisher to move rapidly by pressing f

casting: dash

cooldown: 20s

dash speed: 25 m/s

cable length: 5m - 35m

cable attachment angle: 20° - 160°

keyboard ability icon

ABILITY: culling turret

Icon of the Ability culling turret

deploy a culling turret that grounds punisher and blocks damage from the front while dealing massive damage

ammo: 200

damage: 12 damage per round

casting: rapid-fire projectiles that create a spell field upon impact

cooldown: 20s

fire rate: 12.5 rounds per second

turret health: 600

explosion range: 3m spherical radius

explosion damage: 12 damage per round

crosshair spread radius (at 10m): start with a spread radius of 0.2m, which reduces to 0.1m after 10 shots, and further decreases to 0.05m after 20 shots

mouse click ability icon

ABILITY: scourge grenade

Icon of the Ability scourge grenade

throw a smoke grenade forward to obscure enemy vision and leap backward

range: 5m spherical radius

damage: 45

casting: projectile with an arced trajectory

cooldown: 8s

special effect: create a temporary smokescreen that obstructs vision

projectile speed: 40 m/s

backward jump distance: 9m


ABILITY: warrior's gaze

Icon of the Ability warrior's gaze

retain vision of enemies that disappear from view for a short duration

range: 30m spherical radius

duration: 3s

special effect: retain vision of enemies that disappear from view for a short duration


TEAM UP ABILITY: infinite punishment

Icon of the Ability infinite punishment

rocket raccoon throws an ammo overload device in the target direction. upon entering the device's range, the punisher and winter soldier receive the buffs of infinite ammo and faster firing

team-up target: rocket raccoon

deliverance fire rate boost: 67%

adjudication fire rate boost: 67%

Tips and Tricks


Mobility: His L-Shift (Vantage Connection) lets him zip around the map with a grappling hook, giving him quick escapes or high-ground advantages.

Turret Power: His E (Culling Turret) lets him set up a stationary turret that deals insane damage and blocks incoming attacks from the front. It’s great for holding choke points or defending objectives.

Smoke Grenade: His RMB (Scourge Grenade) throws a smoke bomb that blocks enemy vision and makes him leap backward, perfect for disengaging or confusing enemies.

Passive Tracking: His passive (Warrior’s Gaze) lets him see enemies through walls for 3 seconds after they leave his line of sight, making it easier to chase them down or avoid flanks.

Versatile Weapons: His left-click (Adjudication) is an automatic rifle perfect for mid-to-long range fights, while his right-click (Deliverance) is a shotgun that wrecks enemies up close.

Ultimate Destruction: His Q (Final Judgement) turns him into a walking arsenal with dual gatling guns and a missile launcher, dealing massive AoE damage for 10 seconds. It’s a game-changer in team fights.


Low Health: With only 275 HP, The Punisher is squishy and can get taken out fast if caught out of position.

Cooldown Reliant: His E (Culling Turret) and L-Shift (Vantage Connection) have long cooldowns, so if you waste them, you’re stuck without key tools.

Weak to Flankers: Heroes like Spider-Man or Black Widow can easily dive him and take him out before he can react.

Ultimate Slowdown: During his Q (Final Judgement), he moves slower, making him an easy target if he’s not careful with positioning.

Turret Vulnerability: While using his E (Culling Turret), he’s stationary and vulnerable to attacks from behind or flanks.