Marvel Rivals Character: STORM's picture




STORM's class icon


Base Stats

health: 250

move speed: 6


Storm is a Duelist in Marvel Rivals who’s all about controlling the battlefield with her weather powers. She can fly around, buff her team, and deal damage from a distance. Whether she’s boosting her allies’ speed with L-Shift or wrecking enemies with her Q, Storm is a versatile hero who can adapt to any situation. If you like playing a hero who can support and deal damage at the same time, Storm’s your pick.


marvel rivals characters - CAPTAIN AMERICA
marvel rivals characters - STORM
marvel rivals characters - THOR

Abilities Overview

mouse click ability icon

NORMAL ATTACK: wind blade

Icon of the Ability wind blade

launch forward-piercing wind blades

ammo: 12

damage: 55 damage per round

casting: projectile that fires in a straight trajectory

fire rate: 2 rounds per second

critical hit: no

damage falloff: falloff begins at 20m, decreasing to 70% at 40m

special effect: wind blade pierces through enemies

projectile speed: 150m/s

keyboard ability icon

ABILITY: omega hurricane

Icon of the Ability omega hurricane

transform into a hurricane to draw in nearby enemies and deal damage

range: 8m spherical radius

damage: 75

casting: spherical spell field

energy cost: 3100

special effect: weather effects will be disabled during the ultimate

attack interval: 2 hits per second

tornado duration: 5s

bonus health (self): 450

maximum selection duration: 5s

keyboard ability icon

ABILITY: weather control

Icon of the Ability weather control

switch the weather to empower allies: tornado grants a movement boost; thunder grants a damage boost

range: 15m spherical radius

casting: spherical spell field

damage boost (ally) (thunder): 8%

damage boost (self) (thunder): 16%

movement boost (ally) (tornado): 8%

movement boost (self) (tornado): 16%

keyboard ability icon

ABILITY: goddess boost

Icon of the Ability goddess boost

channel the power of the weather to empower storm: tornado grants a movement boost and inflicts slow on enemies; thunder grants a damage boost and summons lightning to inflict damage

range: 15m spherical radius

damage: 35

casting: spherical spell field

cooldown: 15s

duration: 8s

enemy slow rate: -15%

strike frequency: 2s per strike

damage boost (ally) (enhanced thunder): 12%

damage boost (self) (enhanced thunder): 30%

movement boost (ally) (enhanced tornado): 20%

movement boost (self) (enhanced tornado): 40%

mouse click ability icon

ABILITY: bolt rush

Icon of the Ability bolt rush

unleash a lightning bolt forward

range: a cylindrical spell field with a radius of 1m and a height of 40m

damage: 80

casting: straight spell field

cooldown: 8s

keyboard ability icon

TEAM UP ABILITY: charged gale

Icon of the Ability charged gale

thor infuses thorforce into storm and captain america, granting them an electrifying enhancement. with an electrifying enhancement, storm can unleash a lightning barrage. with an electrifying enhancement, captain america gains a movement boost, and his shield is imbued with thunder power, electrocuting nearby enemies

cooldown: 15s

special effect: each enemy can only be struck by lightning once per cast

team-up target: thor

lightning damage: 55

maximum distance: 60m

maximum bounce distance: 5m

maximum number of bounces: 3

Tips and Tricks


Team Buffs: Her L-Shift (Weather Control) lets her switch between Tornado Mode (speed boost) and Thunder Mode (damage boost), helping her team dominate fights.

Crowd Control: Her Q (Omega Hurricane) pulls enemies into a massive tornado, dealing damage and disrupting their formation. Perfect for team fights!

Fly and Fight: Storm can fly freely around the map, giving her a height advantage and making it easy to dodge ground attacks.

Team-Up Synergy: With Thor, her C (Charged Gale) unleashes chain lightning, bouncing between enemies for extra damage.

Damage from Afar: Her left-click (Wind Blade) and right-click (Bolt Rush) let her deal consistent damage from a distance, keeping enemies on their toes.


Squishy: With only 250 health, Storm can get taken out fast if she’s caught by snipers or burst damage.

Weak to Melee: If enemies get too close, Storm struggles to deal with melee heroes like Black Panther or Spider-Man.

Cooldown Reliant: Her L-Shift and Q have long cooldowns, so you need to use them wisely or risk being useless in fights.

Reliant on Positioning: Flying makes her an easy target for hitscan heroes like Hela or Punisher. You need to stay aware of your surroundings.

Ultimate Vulnerability: During her Q (Omega Hurricane), she’s still vulnerable to attacks, so timing and positioning are key.