health: 275
move speed: 6
Squirrel Girl, aka Doreen Green, is a quirky and fun Duelist in Marvel Rivals. With her squirrel-themed powers and playful personality, she’s all about dealing damage from a distance and controlling the battlefield with her acorns and squirrel army. She’s perfect for players who like to stay safe while causing chaos for the enemy team.
shoot bouncing burst acorns
ammo: 10
casting: arced projectile that generates a spell field upon impact
fire rate: 1.49 acorns per second
critical hit: no
damage falloff: 70% falloff at 3m
projectile speed: 80 m/s
spell field range: 3m spherical radius
spell field damage: 110
summon a horde of squirrels to charge forward, dealing damage while bouncing against structures
range: length: 3m, width: 5m, height: 1.75m
damage: 150
duration: 10s
energy cost: 2800
special mechanic: the squirrels will rush towards the nearest enemy after bouncing instead of bouncing randomly
squirrel horde health: 300
squirrel horde movement speed: 9 m/s
rocket upwards with a bounce of her tail
cooldown: 8s
jump height: 9m
reload burst acorns and can use an ability without cooldown once in a short duration
cooldown: 12s
maximum duration: 5s
launch an acorn to unleash squirrel guards, imprisoning the first hit enemy
damage: 35
casting: charged projectile with an arced trajectory
cooldown: 8s
projectile speed: 20 - 60 m/s (maximum speed is achieved after 0.7s of charging)
imprison duration: 1.33s
maximum charge time: 1.5s
spider-man gives squirrel girl a web bomb. she can slingshot it to unleash an explosion upon contact with the environment or an enemy, briefly ensnaring and damaging enemies caught in the blast
casting: arced projectile that generates a spell field upon impact
cooldown: 20s
projectile speed: 50 m/s
imprison duration: 1s
spell field range: 4m spherical radius
spell field damage: 80
Mobility: Her L-Shift (Tail Bounce) lets her jump super high, giving her access to high ground or a quick escape when things get dicey.
Team Synergy: When paired with Spider-Man, her C (Webbed Acorn) lets her throw a web bomb that traps and damages enemies, adding even more crowd control to her kit.
Crowd Control: Her right-click (Squirrel Blockade) traps enemies in place, making them easy targets for your team. It’s perfect for shutting down high-threat heroes like snipers or damage dealers.
Ultimate Chaos: Her Q (Unbeatable Squirrel Tsunami) summons a horde of squirrels that charge forward, bouncing off walls and dealing damage to anyone in their path. It’s hilarious and deadly, especially in tight spaces.
Long-Range Damage: Her left-click (Burst Acorn) fires bouncing acorns that explode on impact, dealing splash damage to groups of enemies. It’s great for spamming choke points and keeping enemies on their toes.
Low Health: With only 275 HP, Squirrel Girl is pretty squishy and can get taken out fast if enemies get too close.
Weak to Mobility: Heroes like Black Widow or Spider-Man can easily dodge her acorns and close the gap to take her down.
Cooldown Management: Her L-Shift and right-click have cooldowns, so if you use them at the wrong time, you’re left vulnerable.
Predictable Ultimate: Her Q (Unbeatable Squirrel Tsunami) is easy to dodge if enemies see it coming, and the squirrels can be killed before they do much damage.
Reliant on Positioning: She needs to stay at a distance to be effective. If she’s caught in close combat, she struggles to survive.