Marvel Rivals Character: SCARLET WITCH's picture




SCARLET WITCH's class icon


Base Stats

health: 250

move speed: 6

Season Bonus

damage boost: +10%


Scarlet Witch is a Duelist in Marvel Rivals who’s all about chaos magic, crowd control, and dealing massive damage. With her Chaos Control (left-click) and Reality Erasure (Q), she can dominate team fights and turn the tide of battle in seconds. If you like playing a hero who’s easy to pick up but hard to master, Scarlet Witch is your go-to.


marvel rivals characters - MAGNETO
marvel rivals characters - SCARLET WITCH

Abilities Overview

mouse click ability icon

NORMAL ATTACK: chaos control

Icon of the Ability chaos control

unleash chaos magic on enemies to deal damage based on a percentage of their max health and restore chaos energy

ammo: infinite

range: a cylindrical spell field with a radius of 3m and a height of 20m

damage: 6 base damage + 0.3% of the enemy's max health per hit

casting: cylindrical spell field

fire rate: 0.1s per hit

critical hit: no

special effect 1: attack the nearest enemy within range

special effect 2: hitting with chaos control charges chthonian burst

chthonian burst recharge per hit: 0.08 per hit

keyboard ability icon

ABILITY: reality erasure

Icon of the Ability reality erasure

engage in free-flight while charging energy, then unleash it to deal massive damage

range: 15m spherical radius

damage: 750

casting: spherical spell field

slow rate: begin to slow down immediately, with the effect gradually increasing to -35% by 3.5s

charge time: 4s

special effect: during this period, scarlet witch enters a free-flight state

keyboard ability icon

ABILITY: mystic projection

Icon of the Ability mystic projection

enter the phased state for free-flight. press again to exit early

casting: dash

charges: 2

duration: 2s

movement boost: 50%

recharge speed: 8s per charge

special effect: during this period, scarlet witch enters the projection state

keyboard ability icon

ABILITY: dark seal

Icon of the Ability dark seal

land a hit on a target or the scene, or press e to generate a force field that periodically stuns enemies within range

range: 3m spherical radius

casting: straight-line projectile that generates a spell field upon impact

cooldown: 12s

projectile speed: 40 m/s

detection interval: 1.25s

spell field duration: 4.5s

stun duration per detection: 0.5s

spell field generation delay: 0.8s

keyboard ability icon

ABILITY: telekinesis

Icon of the Ability telekinesis

hold space to fall slowly

descending speed: 3.5 m/s

horizontal movement speed: 6 m/s

mouse click ability icon

ABILITY: chthonian burst

Icon of the Ability chthonian burst

consume chaos energy to fire explosive magic missiles, damaging enemies

range: 3m spherical radius

casting: straight-line projectile that generates a spell field upon impact

charges: 4

projectile speed: 120 m/s

projectile damage: 35

spell field damage: 35

default charging speed: 0.2/s


TEAM UP ABILITY: chaotic bond

Icon of the Ability chaotic bond

scarlet witch can infuse chaos energy into magneto to enchant his greatsword. upon receiving the chaos energy, magneto can unleash its full force, striking down enemies with his enchanted greatsword

team-up bonus: 10% damage boost

Tips and Tricks


Mobility: Her L-Shift (Mystic Projection) lets her fly around the map, making her hard to catch and great for repositioning or escaping danger.

Easy to Play: Her left-click (Chaos Control) locks onto enemies automatically, so you don’t need to aim. Just hold it down to deal damage and build up Chaos Energy.

Crowd Control: Her E (Dark Seal) stuns enemies in a small area, setting them up for easy kills or stopping them from escaping.

Ultimate Power: Her Q (Reality Erasure) charges up a massive AoE attack that can wipe out entire teams if timed right. It’s one of the most powerful ultimates in the game.

High Damage Output: Her right-click (Chthonian Burst) uses Chaos Energy to fire explosive missiles that deal splash damage, perfect for taking out groups of enemies.


Squishy: With only 250 health, Scarlet Witch can get taken out fast if enemies focus her down.

Cooldown Reliant: Her E (Dark Seal) and L-Shift (Mystic Projection) have cooldowns, so you need to use them wisely or risk being caught out.

Telegraphed Ultimate: Her Q (Reality Erasure) has a long charge time, and enemies can see and hear it coming, making it easy to interrupt or avoid.

Weak to Burst Damage: Heroes like Iron Man or Hulk can burst her down before she can react, especially if her L-Shift is on cooldown.

Reliant on Positioning: She needs to stay at mid-range to be effective. If enemies get too close, she struggles to survive.