Marvel Rivals Character: PENI PARKER's picture




PENI PARKER's class icon


Base Stats

health: 650

move speed: 6


Peni Parker is a Vanguard hero in Marvel Rivals who’s all about controlling the battlefield with her futuristic SP//dr mech and cyber-webs. She’s not your typical tank—instead of soaking up damage, she sets traps, heals herself, and slows down enemies with her webs. If you like playing a hero who’s all about strategy and outsmarting your opponents, Peni is your go-to.


marvel rivals characters - PENI PARKER
marvel rivals characters - SPIDER-MAN
marvel rivals characters - VENOM

Abilities Overview

mouse click ability icon

NORMAL ATTACK: cyber-web cluster

Icon of the Ability cyber-web cluster

launch forward a cyber-web cluster

range: 1.5m spherical radius

damage: projectile damage: 15; spell field damage: 15

casting: rapid-fire, delayed projectile that is accompanied by a spell field

fire rate: 3.33 rounds per second

projectile speed: 120m/s

keyboard ability icon

ABILITY: spider-sweeper

Icon of the Ability spider-sweeper

enhance the sp//dr suit, launching up enemies in its path and deploying arachno-mines, spider-drones, and cyber-webs repeatedly

range: 4m spherical radius

damage: sweep attack damage: 60

casting: enhancement

duration: 12s

energy cost: 3400

sweep range: 5m

special effect: gain 450 bonus health and a 70% movement boost

attack interval: 1s

arachno-mine attack interval: 0.7s

maximum arachno-mine quantity: 7

spider-drone generation interval: 0.7s

keyboard ability icon

ABILITY: bionic spider-nest

Icon of the Ability bionic spider-nest

generate a spider-nest at a targeted area, periodically spawning spider-drones and creating cyber-webs. while in the cyber-web, gain healing over time and a movement boost. excess healing converts into bonus health

range: 12m spherical radius

damage: each spider-drone inflicts 40 damage

casting: targeted

cooldown: 15s

special effect: two spider-drones are generated every 3s

maximum distance: 10m

spider-nest health: 350

keyboard ability icon

ABILITY: arachno-mine

Icon of the Ability arachno-mine

deploy arachno-mines that can be concealed within the confines of a cyber-web

range: 3m spherical radius

damage: 100

casting: single-cast spell field

cooldown: 4 charges, with each charge taking 4s to recharge

keyboard ability icon

ABILITY: cyber-bond

Icon of the Ability cyber-bond

shoot a web strand that links to the targeted area or cyber-web. if stretched too far, it will trigger a pullback

casting: dash

cooldown: 3s

projectile speed: 100m/s

pull-back distance: 10m

maximum dash distance: 30m

minimum dash distance: 10m

maximum cyber-bond distance: 19m, with the possibility to exceed this distance if descending

keyboard ability icon

ABILITY: wall crawl

Icon of the Ability wall crawl

hold jump to crawl on vertical surfaces

wall-crawling speed: 7.2m/s

mouse click ability icon

ABILITY: cyber-web snare

Icon of the Ability cyber-web snare

cast futuristic webbing that immobilizes enemies or creates a cyber-web. while in the cyber-web, gain healing over time and a movement boost. excess healing converts into bonus health

range: 3m spherical radius

damage: 5

casting: single-cast projectile with delayed impact

cooldown: 3s

special effect: enemies hit are ensnared for 0.7s. while trapped in the cyber-web, peni parker receives 25 healing per second. any excess healing is converted into bonus health, up to a maximum of 150 health, and grants a 25% movement boost

projectile speed: 60 m/s

keyboard ability icon

TEAM UP ABILITY: armor expulsion

Icon of the Ability armor expulsion

venom shares a part of his symbiote with spider-man and peni parker, activating their symbiote abilities. spider-man and peni parker can convert the symbiotes into explosive spikes that inflict harm on nearby enemies and relentlessly drive them back

range: 5m spherical radius

damage: 50 damage upon release, followed by 50 damage per second

casting: spell field that surrounds the caster

cooldown: 30s

duration: 4s

special effect: gain a 50% damage reduction while the ability is active

Tips and Tricks


Mobility: Her F (Cyber-Bond) lets her shoot a web strand and pull herself to it, giving her a quick way to reposition or escape danger.

Trap Master: Her E (Arachno-Mine) lets her place hidden mines that explode when enemies get too close. Perfect for ambushes and punishing overconfident players.

Crowd Control: Her right-click (Cyber-Web Snare) immobilizes enemies or creates more Cyber-Webs, making it harder for them to move or escape.

Healing Zones: Her L-Shift (Bionic Spider-Nest) creates a nest that spawns Spider-Drones and covers the area in Cyber-Webs. Standing in these webs heals her and gives her a speed boost.

Ultimate Power: Her Q (Spider-Sweeper) supercharges her mech, giving her bonus health, speed, and the ability to launch enemies while dropping mines and webs everywhere. It’s perfect for turning the tide of a fight.


Weak to Flyers: Heroes like Iron Man or Storm can stay out of her reach, making it hard for her to do much without help from her team.

Cooldown Reliant: Her L-Shift and E have cooldowns, so if you mess up your timing, you’re stuck without your key tools.

Squishy Outside Webs: Peni only has 650 health, and she’s super vulnerable if she’s not standing in her Cyber-Webs. If enemies catch her off-guard, she’s in trouble.

Reliant on Positioning: Her L-Shift (Bionic Spider-Nest) and E (Arachno-Mine) need to be placed carefully. If they’re destroyed or misplaced, she loses a lot of her power.

Ultimate Can Be Wasted: Her Q (Spider-Sweeper) is powerful, but if you use it at the wrong time or in the wrong place, it’s easy to waste.