health: 250
move speed: 6
Psylocke is a Duelist in Marvel Rivals who’s all about speed, stealth, and slicing through enemies with her psychic powers. She’s a ninja at heart, sneaking around the battlefield to pick off key targets like healers and snipers. With her left-click (Psionic Crossbow) and L-Shift (Psi-Blade Dash), she’s a nightmare for anyone caught out of position. If you like playing fast, aggressive, and sneaky, Psylocke is your go-to hero.
unleash bolts with psionic crossbows to damage enemies and reduce the cooldowns of all her abilities
ammo: 16
damage: 12 damage per round
casting: double projectile with spread
fire rate: the firing interval between shots is 0.2s, with an interval of 0.6s between each round of shooting
critical hit: yes
damage falloff: falloff begins at 15m, decreasing to 60% at 30m
critical damage: 150%
bullets fired each cast: 4
cooldown reduction on hit: 0.25s per hit
crosshair spread radius (at 10m): 0.2m
slash nearby enemies with a psionic katana, dealing massive damage
range: 10m spherical radius
damage: 150 damage per hit
duration: 4s
slow rate: -30%
energy cost: 2800
attack interval: 2 hits per second
special mechanic: psylocke will slash a random enemy, giving priority to the one who has been hit the least
dash forward and slice through enemies along the path with psionic blades
damage: 50
charges: 2
cooldown: 8s
average speed: 43 m/s
maximum distance: 12m
special mechanic: casting this ability will automatically recall the wing shurikens. the shurikens will first travel to psylocke's starting position before returning to her
enter stealth and gain a movement boost
cooldown: 15s
duration: 3s
movement boost: 50%
special mechanic: when attacked while in stealth, psylocke will remain in stealth but will briefly become visible for a short duration
launch a volley of psionic shurikens that stick to enemies, dealing damage and granting herself bonus health. press again to recall the shurikens
casting: projectile that fires in a straight trajectory.
cooldown: 8s
bonus health: 10 bonus health per round
spread angle: 0.86°
recall window: 3s
damage falloff: falloff begins at 15m, decreasing to 80% at 25m
maximum distance: 25m
special mechanic: when the projectile is recalled, it will move 20s toward the crosshair before returning to psylocke
damage (firing phase): 8 damage per round
damage (recall phase): 14 per hit
number of projectiles: 5
projectile speed (firing phase): 120 m/s
projectile speed (recall phase): 120 m/s
when magik is on the field, black panther and psylocke can tap into limbo to rewind a few seconds back to a previous position; after passing through limbo, black panther and psylocke will gain bonus health based on missing health
cooldown: 30s
rewind time: 5s prior
team-up target: magik
bonus health/damage taken conversion: 50%
Ultimate Power: Her Q (Dance of the Butterfly) slashes everyone in a big area, dealing massive damage. It’s perfect for cleaning up team fights or finishing off low-health enemies.
Team-Up Synergy: With Magik on the team, her C (Psionic Disc) lets her rewind time and heal, giving her a second chance to dive back into the fight.
High Burst Damage: Her left-click (Psionic Crossbow) and right-click (Wing Shurikens) let her deal quick, deadly damage, especially up close. Landing all her shots can melt squishy targets in seconds.
Cooldown Management: Hitting enemies with her left-click reduces the cooldowns of her other abilities, so she can spam her skills more often if you’re accurate.
Mobility and Stealth: Her L-Shift (Psi-Blade Dash) lets her dash in and out of fights, and her E (Psychic Stealth) makes her invisible with a speed boost. Perfect for flanking or escaping sticky situations.
Squishy: With only 250 health, Psylocke can get taken out fast if she’s caught out of position or focused by the enemy team.
Close-Range Focus: Her abilities are strongest up close, so she struggles against long-range heroes like Hawkeye or Black Widow who can keep her at bay.
Reliant on Accuracy: If you miss your left-click shots, you lose out on cooldown reduction, making her less effective in prolonged fights.
Weak to Crowd Control: Stuns or slows can shut her down hard, leaving her vulnerable to follow-up attacks.
No Double Jump or Wall Climb: Unlike some other mobile heroes, she can’t scale walls or double jump, limiting her escape options in certain situations.